Give your bathroom a designer with the simple and economical upgrade of having a tiled front tub skirt. Best to buy a three tile flange model without a front. Frame a short wall and tile.
Porcelain tiled tub skirt changes the whole look of your bathroom, hides the tub and makes a classy master bathroom. Watch with high sided tubs that installing a shower door can make the step over into the tub a hurdle.
New site with a solution to shampoo and soap storage in your shower area. Now, more soap shampoo dish colors available. Recessed in the wall, easy to install and easy to clean shampoo soap shelf creates more room for your toiletry storage in the bathroom shower area. Made of fire glazed porcelain in a variety of colors and finishes to complement your new tile work. Please visit Tile Recessed Shampoo Soap Niche!
3 ft x 5 ft shower base with an added seat for a total 6ft x 3 ft showering area. Moen shower valve with Moenhand held shower head. Recessed 1 piece shampoo soap niche.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Just finished this bathroom remodel last week. The bathroom is for teenage kids and the parents wanted lots of shampoo and soap storage in the shower area. They also wanted a hand held shower head to be able to easily clean.